CTL data acquistion program for use with the CTL range of groundwater data loggers for the retrieval of borehole water information. The software will perform logarithmic pump test and multi-phase logging functions.
DamSmart is an instrumentation database management and graphics application. Users can custom configure it for practically any type of instrument.
Processing and presentation for: Standpipe and Vibrating Wire Piezometers; Settlement Marker, Total Station and Deep Datum; Rod Settlement Gauge; Magnetic Extensometer; Inclinometer; Tiltmeter; and, Load cell
DigiPro for Windows graphs inclinometer data that is stored in Slope Indicator’s proprietary database format. Includes import filters for other formats.
Geo-DMS is a geotechnical instrumentation data management system designed for performance monitoring of MRT subway, NATM tunnels, Dams and other civil infrastructure.
A highly automated, modular software application designed for structural monitoring since 1999. The application monitors, analyses and presents data supplied by finely tuned geotechnical and structural movement instrumentation.
GTilt is used for inclinometer data reduction and presentation. A wide range of inclinometer probes, readouts, and loggers is supported.
I-Site software brings in data from geotechnical and structural monitoring instrumentation as well as surveying data.
INCLI-pro provides facilities for the analysis and display of inclinometer data.
Inclinalysis software allows the user to reduce large volumes of inclinometer data into a variety of formats suitable for analysis and presentation.