BASIC Programs for BLOCK Theory. A series of Block Theory programs that help to find the critical key blocks and the possibility of failure in all types of rock excavations.
CLASROCK classifies rock masses by the Bieniawski RMR and the Barton Q methods.
Classex is an expert system for Q and RMR rock mass classification.
CPillar (3.0) is an analysis tool for evaluating the stability of surface or underground crown pillars, and laminated roof beds.
Geotechnical design, borehole log drafting, soil lab testing and rock mechanics design software
GDA (Geomechanical Design Analysis) is a modular program that examines the stability of underground openings using empirical, numerical and analytical rock engineering approaches.
GEOROK includes 12 rock mechanics design and testing programs with the following features: Automatic graph generation.
The Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software Directory (GGSD) catalogues 1643 programs in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics.
Developers of GEOTECHNICAL software products since 1987. We are the ultimate source for GEOTECHNICAL and HYDROGEOLOGIC software products.
HYFRACP3D is a program for modelling 3D hydraulic fracture propagation by FEM. It is a finite element program for simulation of pseudo three-dimensional fracture geometries with a two-dimensional planar solution.