3DPILE solves problems related to three dimensional pile groups subjected to axial, lateral, and torsional loading using p-y curves, t-z curves and soil response curves for torsional resistance.
All-Pile is for analyses of vertical, and lateral capacities of single and group piles. The program calculates vertical settlement and lateral deflection of piles.
ALP analyses the soil-structure interaction of a laterally loaded pile. The program represents the pile as a series of elastic beam elements and the soil as a series of independent springs.
ALP99 carries out the analysis of an axially loaded pile modelled as an elastic pile supported by elasto-plastic springs.
APRAF, using a combination of finite layer and finite element methods to model layered soil, raft and piles, can be used to calculate the displacements, bending moments and shear forces in rafts and piles.
COM624P for the analysis of stresses and deflections of piles or drilled shafts under lateral loads. It is based on the widely used p-y curve method and solves equations giving pile deflection, rotation,…
Combined3D is a general spread and combined footing analysis/design tool for soil or pile supported foundations. It has the following features: Allows multiple system of units for input and output – English,…
DEFPIG calculates the deformations and load distribution within a group of piles subjected to vertical, horizontal and moment loading.
FB-MultiPier is a nonlinear finite element analysis program capable of analyzing multiple bridge pier structures interconnected by bridge spans.
Foundation3D is a spread and combined footing analysis/design tool for soil or pile supported foundations for industrial equipment such as horizontal exchanger, horizontal vessel, vertical vessel or tower,…