BEASY Corrosion and CP can be used by the Cathodic Protection designer to predict the potential levels both on the structure and in the electrolyte. It also determines the current levels on the structure and anodes.
Cathodic Protection ActiveX Software Developement Kit (CP ActiveX SDK) is a digitally-signed ActiveX control enabling users to write custom applications to manipulate the M.C….
CP Diagnostic assists in evaluating, troubleshooting, and maintaining data on CP systems for underground piping, USTs, elevated water storage tanks, and civil works structures, such as miter and sector gates.
Cathodic Protection Data Manager (CPDM) is one of the modules of the Pipeline Compliance System (PCS). It combines the cathodic protection method of corrosion control with scalable database management.
The Data Link Pro is for use with the M.C. Miller SinCorder CP datalogger, but can be customized to other data loggers. It provides access and manipulation of close interval survey data.
The Pipeline Toolbox is a modular software package for pipeline design and includes a Cathodic Protection module.
The ProActive Pipeline Integrity System is a Client/Server-based CP software package which handles the documentation associated with CP systems.
PROCOR (cathodic PROtection against CORrosion) Boundary Element Method software has been developed in collaboration between the CETIM (CEntre Technique des Industries MTcaniques),…