PFC (Particle Flow Code) for analysing complicated problems in both granular flow and solid mechanics using the Distinct Element Method.
Program for incremental stress analysis of geotechnical structures
PISA (Program for Incremental Stress Analysis) is a 2D finite element solid deformation modeling program based on the displacement finite element method.
Sigma-2D is a 2D finite element program for non-linear, elastic-plastic, contact-surface, plane of weakness, heat-stress and seismic-inertia analyses. Suitable for excavation, embankment, and automatic step-analyses.
Sigma-3D is a 3D finite element program for non-linear, elastic-plastic, contact-surface, plane of weakness, heat-stress and seismic-inertia analyses. Suitable for excavation, embankment, and automatic step-analyses.
Strand7 is a general-purpose finite element analysis system comprising pre-processing, post-processing and solver functionality.
TOCHNOG is a general finite element analysis program for static, quasi-static and dynamic analyses. Input: Format free input. Boundary conditions at geometrical entities.
VisualFEA is finite element analysis software suitable for structural and geotechnical stress analysis (nonlinear, dynamic, staged analysis).