The Prokon suite consists of modules for reinforced concrete and steelwork design.
PT Workshop is a modeling environment for developing and running numerical models for geotechnical applications.
RockWare-Golden, Earth science software for all geologic disciplines:hydrogeology/hydrology/groundwater, geochemistry,geophysics, geotechnical,exploration and more….
RockWare software by category (click here for an A-Z listing of all software).
SCALE (Structural CALculations Ensemble) is a suite of 500 programs for structural design and detailing. It has four sub-systems: …
Our objective at GEO-SLOPE is to create software that is both technically comprehensive and easy to use, making geotechnical modeling accessible and practical for all geotechnical engineers.
GEOSYSTEM Software produces and sells geotechnical software for plotting borehole log/boring log, monitoring well installation and test pit logs, for reducing and reporting results from common geotechnical tests.
Software for (Engineering Control of) Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards is a book by Singh and Goel with an included collection of programs on CDROM.
Software reviews for Geotechnical engineering (SOFTER) publishes independent expert reviews of geotech. engineering software allowing to directly compare the power and the features of the individual programs and to evaluate…
Software reviews for geotechnical engineering.